Did you know that Quitters Day is a thing? I had no idea it existed until this year, and I’m fascinated by the concept. Apparently, Quitters Day is the second Friday of January. Based on a study published by New York-based national market research company, Drive Research, 23% of adults quit their New Year's resolutions by Quitters Day. This metric goes up to 43% of adults by the end of January. The study also found that 92% of adults will not follow through on a resolution!
I’m not shocked by this, I suppose, given so many people I know go “all in” and feel like failures when they can’t complete the workout each day, snack on something they said they would never eat again, or complete only half of the items on their to-do list. Why do we set ourselves up for failure? And especially at work, why not accept that any change is a good change?
In lieu of accepting the fate of Quitters Day, I’m focusing on making small, intentional changes a little at a time—making progress rather than striving for perfection—and getting a little better each day. I regularly talk with clients about this concept and encourage them to give themselves and their colleagues the grace to accept small incremental changes as success and celebrate each small win.
The Power of Small Steps: Just Keep Going
Some endeavors are daunting and paralyzing. Just the thought of beginning a task can stop us in our tracks and cause us to quit. When the journey feels long or difficult, it’s easy to lose sight of our goals. But the key to success is persistence and small, consistent actions.
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”
- Zig Ziglar
Ziglar encourages us to begin, regardless of where we stand. It’s the starting point that matters—improvement comes as a natural result of persistence and effort. The key is not perfection, but progress—steps in the right direction.
It’s Okay to Struggle: Embrace the Journey
The road to progress is rarely smooth. We all encounter obstacles and setbacks along the way. But what matters is how we respond to those challenges. Instead of quitting when things get tough, remember that resilience and consistency are the true keys to success.
“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.”
- Vince Lombardi
Lombardi's quote speaks to the power of resilience. The true measure of success isn’t avoiding failure but rather, getting back up after each setback. Every time we fall, we have the chance to learn and grow stronger.
Change Doesn't Happen Overnight: Practice Patience
When we don’t physically see progress day-to-day, it can be tough to accept that it is happening, leading to frustration and wavering commitment. It is crucial to remember that progress does not always occur quickly and obviously. Patience is key when implementing change.
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”
- Confucius
Confucius teaches us that the key to progress isn’t speed but consistency. As long as we keep moving forward, even at a slow pace, we’ll eventually reach our goals. Looking for small signs of progress rather than larger ones is a right-minded way to stay positive on our progress journeys.
The Importance of Small, Consistent Actions
My advice to others mirrors the grace I give myself: the most important thing is to keep going.
Even when the road seems long, remember that progress, no matter how small, is still progress. Whether it's in achieving personal goals, professional development, or self-improvement, the key is to take action and keep improving.
So, as we face each National Quitters Day, let’s remember to embrace progress over perfection, aim for 1% improvement each day, and recognize that better is better. The journey may not always be easy, but with persistence and small, consistent steps, we will get there. Every day, we get a little bit closer to becoming the best version of ourselves.
Here's to progress in 2025!