
How to Write SMART Goals

Written by Peter Menza | Oct 15, 2024 8:20:50 PM

Setting defined goals provides a framework for individuals and organizations to work towards desired outcomes. SMART goals provide a blueprint for creating this framework by establishing objectives that are clear, manageable, and aligned with your company’s vision.


The SMART acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Setting goals that adhere to these standards helps you stay focused, motivated, and accountable on the journey toward success.


It is recommended that employees write SMART goals when they first start at a company and each time a new project is launched. Setting SMART goals is just the first step. It's also important to regularly review your progress, adjust your goals as necessary, and celebrate your achievements along the way to stay motivated and focused.


Here's a breakdown of what each letter in SMART stands for:

Specific: Goals should be concise and state a clearly observable result. It is important to identify a specific reference point from which to track progress, making it easier to understand exactly what needs to be done.

Measurable: It's important to quantify the expected result, which includes numbers, percentages, and frequencies. Describing the criteria by which the result will be evaluated helps you determine whether you're on the right track and when you've successfully achieved your goal.

Attainable: Goals should be challenging but within reach of the person doing the work. They should not present unrealistic barriers to achievement. This makes it easier to hold yourself accountable for your progress and ensures that others involved in your goals understand their roles and responsibilities.

Relevant: It's important for goals to be aligned across the company from individual goals to team and departmental/functional goals and strategies. SMART goals should reflect the company’s values. One should ask themselves if it's the right time to pursue this goal and if achievement contributes to individual and company aspirations.

Time-bound: It is crucial to set a realistic deadline for completion and identify the frequency or duration. Setting deadlines helps people manage their time effectively and prevents procrastination.


Setting SMART goals provides direction, motivation, and structure for growth and achievement. Whether on an individual or organizational level, setting and pursuing goals is an essential practice for success.